Offering Date: June 18, 2023

Our challenge to the Mississippi Pastor’s is $20 per man in your local church. Everyone can contribute in making a difference in Mississippi Men’s Ministry. Thank you in advance for your intentional participation and giving!

Two options in giving your 2023 Father’s Day – Engage: Time-Talent-Treasure Offering:

Option One:

You can mail your offering into the Mississippi UPCI District Office – Attn: MS Men’s Ministry, P.O. Box 1188 Raymond, MS 39154

Option Two:

You can give online at the MS UPCI District link provided below! Give to “Men’s Ministry”

Every Man. Making A Difference.

Through the Annual Father’s Day Offering – the UPCI Men’s Ministry has become an invaluable medium through which men are bringing their gifts to the kingdom table, making both a timeless, and tangible difference locally and globally. Through our joint efforts with North American Missions, and Global Missions, hundreds of capable, committed men continue to build the kingdom at home, and abroad – constructing houses of worship, Bible schools, and orphanages, and in concerted efforts of man-to-man evangelism as well.

In addition to the investment of Men’s Ministries — and men — in myriad mission’s projects world-wide, including funding for the H.O.M.E. International Orphanage in Guatemala, to help underwrite meaningful ministry to men across our fellowship, as we continue our commitment to building better men, and growing greater churches.

H.O.M.E. International Orphanage

H.O.M.E. International is an organization dedicated to providing orphans and children in need with a stable, loving environment and a quality education. There are an estimated 143 million orphans in the world and over ten thousand children die from hunger each DAY.  While we cannot personally reach every child in the world, together, we can change the world one life at a time.